China Southern Airlines Canada Accessibility Plan and Feedback Process 2023-2026
China Southern Airlines supports its customer in a variety of ways including pre-travel with assistance in making reservations, at the airport with curb-to-curb service including ticket counter, gate area, onboard the aircraft and at baggage claim. With the wide variety of interactions, China Southern Airlines is committed to ensure all aspects of support are continuously reviewed including internal stakeholders and vendors. We are focused on working with all current and future vendors / suppliers to ensure we look at all aspects of the journey with the mindset that all customers including those with disabilities are included.
Identified barriers
Transportation of mobility equipment
Effective communications within the terminal
Cabin / onboard assistance to and from lavatory
Communications on accessibility of airport / aircraft
Continued improvement
As part of airport design and development / review of current facilities within the airport areas to look for opportunities to improve current accessibility – work with airport facilities to be part of the solution to improve facilities for China Southern Airlines passengers and employees.
Create a pre-travel communications survey where customers who have requested any special assistance has the option to participate in a survey about the services they received prior to travel.
Training of cabin crew on what to communicate to passengers with disabilities as it relates to the use of the accessible lavatory.
Training of ground staff on the proper way to communicate with a passenger regarding the stowage of their assistive devices.
Review and update of onboard equipment to assist passengers with disabilities to access onboard lavatories on all aircraft types.
Review and update of policies and procedures related to onboard notifications process for customers with hearing and/or visual impairments.
Create onboard briefing material to brief passengers with disabilities on use of assistive equipment.
Work with aircraft manufactures to ensure all new aircraft deliveries meet the requirements to assist customers with disabilities that include – visual impairment, hearing impairments and accessibility for mobility impairments. (seats / lavatories)
Conduct a review of current equipment to support mobility impairments – wheelchairs, ramps, and lifts.
Enlist the help of disability organizations that focuses on service dogs training to better understand how to improve airport and onboard aircraft assistance.
Create a customer communications document to assist anyone asking for pre-boarding assistance on their right to contact the Canadian Transport Association if they are not satisfied with their assistance.