China Southern Airlines Canada Accessibility Plan and Feedback Process 2023-2026
China Southern Airlines conducts business using technology including web-site access and mobility friendly applications. China Southern Airlinesiscommitted to ensure compliance and governmental regulations to include to the latest standards such as WACAG standards for web-site accessibility.
Identified barriers
Web-site not always easy to access information related to services provided for those customer needing special assistance such as wheelchair assistance.
Communications are not always consistent on the availability or use of onboard entertainment for those individuals with hearing or visual impairments
Employees not always aware of the support should they have a need for accommodations with a disability.
Short Term
Improve booking tool to include easier access for requesting special assistance including request for mobility assistance.
Add more details to China Southern Airlines webpage on how to communicate disability related complaints to airline and government agencies.
China Southern Airlines will add quick action buttons to our website for customer to easily identify areas where information can be found to support the travel of customers with disabilities.
Long Term
Improve our customer complain tracking system to include trending the top three types of complaints and report out monthly.
Work with airports in Canada to include possible integration into the China Southern Technology platform that assists customers with disabilities (create web-links to airport assistance)
Short Term
Ensure all employees are aware during new hire onboarding that during their employment period, that HR department is available to make reasonable accommodation should the need arise for a qualified disability.
Long Term
Update HR hiring paperwork to include a briefing and acknowledgment of employment laws requiring reasonable accommodations to all new hire employees.