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The following information uses Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport as an example. This only serves as a reference for other airports. The specific requirements for different airports are subject to the regulations specified by the local airport.

Checked Baggage and Boarding Passes

Please present a valid ID at the check-in counter for check in and baggage handling procedures and to receive your boarding pass.

For a hassle-free boarding, we recommend arriving at the terminal 2 hours prior to departure to make time for check-in and baggage handling procedures.

Please carry all valid documents (e. g. ID and passport), cash, and valuables with you.

Security Check

Please prepare your ID, ticket, and boarding pass in advance and submit them to the inspector for review. For flight security reasons, you must walk through metal detectors and carry-on baggage must be X-rayed.

Waiting and Boarding

Please wait in the waiting area that corresponds to your boarding gate. Boarding usually begins 30 minutes prior to take-off. Please pay attention to airport announcements and flight information, and have your boarding pass ready when boarding begins.

Tips: Please have your boarding pass ready when boarding at the gate.

Helpful Reminders:

1. In order to avoid any delay, please ensure that you leave enough time to arrive the airport and handle boarding and checked baggage procedures. Pay attention to airport announcements when waiting in the waiting area.

2. According to the relevant provisions, if you have lost your ID, there are 3 ways you can board the plane hassle-free:

(1) Via the ID loss certificate issued by the public security bureau where your household residence is registered. The certificate must state your name, age, home address, expiry date, etc., with a recent photo of yourself attached (no hat) and a stamp affixed by the public security bureau.

(2) Via the certificate of loss issued by the public security bureau where your ID was issued. The certificate must include the same contents as described in clause (1).

(3) Via your household registration booklet or work certificate, recommendation letter and other valid proof of identification. Go to a civil aviation public security bureau (there is one located in the airport departure hall) to apply for a temporary boarding certificate.

If you are traveling abroad and are not carrying any of the above valid documents, please consult the nearest civil aviation public security bureau for a solution.

3. If any passenger fails to arrive at the China Southern Airlines check-in counters or boarding gate on time, fails to show a valid ID and travel documents, or is not ready to travel, China Southern Airlines may cancel the seat reservation for said passenger in order to avoid delaying the flight. China Southern Airlines will not be liable for any loss or expense incurred by the passenger.