General Rules

1. General Provisions

Checked baggage must be well packed, locked and bound, and must be able endure a certain amount of pressure, and can be safely loaded, unloaded and carried under normal operation conditions, and should meet the following requirements:

(1) Suitcase, handbags and such kind of items must be locked;

(2) It is not allowed to bundled more than two pieces of baggage into one piece;

(3) It is not allowed to attach other items to baggage;

(4) Bamboo baskets, net bags, grass strings and grass bags are not permitted to be used as packing materials;

(5) Passenger(s) name, detailed address and telephone number should be written on the baggage.

Baggage will be transported on the same flight as the passenger whenever possible, unless it is transported by another flight for safety, security or operational reasons. If the passenger's baggage is transported by a subsequent flight, it will be delivered to the passenger by the carrier, unless the passenger is required by law to be physically present for customs clearance. Please refer to the local requirements if the immigration authorities of each country have other requirements on baggage.

2. Limitations to Baggage Weight and Size

Flight Type


Maximum Weight per Piece

Maximum Dimensions per Piece

Domestic Flight



The length, width and height shall not exceed 40*60*100 cm

International / Regional Flight

United States destinations involved


the sum of L+W+H per piece ≤203 cm

no United States destinations involved



1. The maximum weight of each piece of baggage in the domestic segment of international transport shall not exceed the weight specified by the international segment;

2. The specifications (including size and weight) of the above baggage are the maximum of the ordinary checked baggage that the airline can accept and are not free baggage allowance. Passengers need to pay for the excess baggage allowance. For the maximum acceptable size of special baggage such as sports equipment, please refer to Section 4 Special Baggage.

3. If any baggage exceeds the above limitation can be taken apart and the sub package meets the limitation, this baggage can be checked as normal baggage. If any baggage cannot be separated, it shall be transported as special baggage or cargo.