Pregnant Women

Because oxygen and air pressure decreases in the upper atmosphere, transportation of pregnant women has been restricted to some extent. Pregnant women are advised to consult their doctor before booking a journey and carry documentation listing their expected delivery date.

1. Pregnant women whose pregnancy does not exceed 32 weeks can be transported as regular passengers except when the passenger has been advised by her doctor that she is not fit for air travel.

2. Pregnant women who are at least more than 32 weeks pregnant but less than 36 weeks pregnant should present a pregnancy test report or a true and valid diagnosis certificate with a doctor's signature or name stamp indicating the number of weeks of pregnancy, and sign a risk notification letter, and the report or certificate should be issued within 30 days before the flight.

The diagnostic certificate should contain the following information:

- Name and age of passenger;

- Date of pregnancy;

- Whether or not special on-board care is required, etc.

3. Pregnant women more than 36 weeks, or pregnant women whose due date is near but the exact date cannot be determined, but who are known to have multiple births or are expected to have birth complications will not be allowed to board.