
Online Check-in

Is online check-in applicable to the flights carried by CSAir?
How to obtain my reservation information for the self-service check-in?
You can obtain your reservation information via the following three means: 1) Put your ID card on the scanning area; 2) enter your E-ticket No., ID card No. or Sky Pearl Member No. on the touch screen; and 3) scan the QR code.
What is online check-in?

On-line check-in is one of the most efficient way of checking in.

For a China domestic departure passenger who has no luggage to check, he/she can get the boarding pass printed out at Online Check-in and go through the security check directly, which can save time for him/her.

Hong Kong/ Macau/ Taiwan, China/ International departure passenger who has obtained the printed boarding voucher at the Online Check-in can get the boarding pass at the check-in counter with the voucher 60 minutes prior to departure (excluding passengers departing from Hong Kong,China).

Which China Southern Airlines(CZ)passengers can check in online?

Adult passengers who have purchased the flights operated by China Southern Airlines may check-in online. For some cities, the same service is available for children passengers, but not infant passengers.

Which type of tickets can use online check-in?
Valid adult E-tickets for CZ (excluding passengers requiring special services or those who need to present other evidence of right to board) and child tickets for some destinations can use online check-in. Traditional paper tickets cannot be used for online check-in.
Which languages are available for online check-in?
Chinese,English,and Korean.
Which flight segments can I check in online?
Please inquire here.
Can tickets purchased via agents and intermediaries use the online check-in service?
Any CZ E-ticket may be used to check in online regardless of where it was purchased.
Can connecting flights use the online check-in service?
Some connecting flights cannot check in online due to follow-through flights, convergence times, and other factors.
Will my seat be held for me for a longer time if i check in online?
No.You must arrive at the boarding gate 15 minutes before takeoff,otherwise you are deemed to have forfeited you seat.You seat.Your ticket will be rescheduled as per your requirements or you will receive a refund.
How do i use the CZ website for online check-in?
Go to the CZ homepage at http://www.csair.com and click on "Online Check-in"in the drop-down menu under "Booking".You will then be taken to the online check-in login page where you can log in.
If i am part of a tour group,can i still check in online?
Can i check in online if i have a round-trip ticket?
Yes,but you have to the meet the relevant requirements for online check-in.
Are there any special safety requirements or criteria for online check-in passengers?
The requirements and criteria for online check-in are the same as for counter check-in.Passengers still have to undergo a security check in accordance with these requirements so that security personnel can put a stamp on their boarding pass.
Is there anything i should know when i want to check in online?
You must hold a valid adult CZ E-ticket and provide identity information consistent with the information used to make the reservation.Passengers holding paper tickets cannot check in online.
Why can't i check in using the CZ website or SMS?

The inability to check in online may be one of the following problems:

Adult passengers requiring special services or those who need to present other evidence of right to board;

CZ has not made its online check-in service available in your departure city;

You are not taking a CZ flight or you have an E-ticket which is not from CZ;

The passenger is a child or baby under the age of 12;

It is before the processing time;

There has been a temporary change of flight;

There is a problem with your Internet connection or other reasons;

You may try checking in at the counter or try again later.

Can group reservation tickets check in online?
Why can't i see the interactive seating chart when using the online pre-check-in service?
This may be caused by an internet connection problem or slow internet speed, or you may be using an older version of a browser that needs to be updated.
Are there any time lilmits for using online check-in?
Online check-in may be used from 14:00 the day before the scheduled departure time up until 1 hour before the scheduled departure time (this may be earlier in some cities).If you need to check in online,please check in during this time.
Can i choose my seat by myself if i use online check-in?
Yes.You can log in and select"Seat Reservation"to choose a seat that is unlocked or unoccupied on the dynamic seating chart.
Are there any requirements regarding the paper used to print the boarding pass when using online check-in?
Ordinary A4 paper will suffice for printing boarding passes.
My boarding pass is not correct or did not print completely.Is that OK?
No.The boarding pass must be clearly printed on a sheet of paper as this is more convenient for the airport check-in staff.If the printout is not correct or complete, please check your printer and print your boarding pass again on a new piece of paper.
Why can i not change my seat?
This may be caused by a system problem,Internet issue, or other reasons. We recommend trying again later or changing your seat at the airport counter.
I do not have a printer and therefore cannot print my boarding pass. Can i still check in online?
Yes.After using the online check-in service, you can obtain your boarding pass by presenting your valid document at the airport's CZ counter or other applicable counter.
I have checked-in online and printed my boarding pass, but i have accidentally lost the boarding pass. What should i do?
You can apply for a new boarding pass by presenting your valid documents at the airport's CZ counter or other applicable counter.
I have baggage which needs to be checked. Can i still check in online?

Yes.However you arrive at the airport you must go through the checked baggage procedures at the airport counter by presenting your valid document or boarding pass.

If you have checked baggage after using the online check-in service, please arrive at the airport in advance and complete the checked baggage procedures at the counter before your flight's closing time.Please contact the airport of your departure for the deadline for checked baggage.

Baggage specifications:one piece of hand baggage per passenger(two pieces for first class passengers);each piece of baggage's dimensions should not exceed 20×40×55 cm or weigh more than 5 kg.

Why is the boarding gate displayed on the boarding pass stated as "Unallocated"?
It may be too early to allocate a boarding gate.please pay attention to any notices or consult the staff when you arrive at the airport.
If my flight is a mixture of domestic and foreign flights, can i check in online?
If i am traveling with a child, can i check in online?
Online check-in not available for children, however an adult with a valid E-ticket can check in online.We recommend that adults and children go through the check in procedures together using airport counter.
I have successfully checked-in online and printed a boarding pass. How much time in advance should i arrive the airport before my flight departs?
You need to arrive 15 minutes before takeoff.You also need to allocate enough time for baggage drops and security checks to ensure that you do not miss your flight.
Can i upgrade my seat when i check in online?
Online check-in does not support seat upgrades. For upgrades.please contact the sales unit or ticket counter at the departure airport.
Do code share flights support online check-in?
Online check-in is inapplicable to codeshare flights. It is recommended that you check in at the check-in counters of actual carriers.
Can i help my travel companion to check in online?
Why can't i find the menu for the online check-in?
Please go to the CZ website at http://www.csair.com and select the "Bookings" drop-down menu.If you are a member, please log in with your member account.
I have already logged into the Member Exclusive area.Why can i not check my reservations?
If you are a member and have successfully purchased CZ ticket, please log into the CZ website for the relevant information.If you cannot find any information,this may be because:your reservation has not been successful; your Internet connection is poor and lagging so the information is not displayed completely; or our server is busy. You can try a different Internet connection, change the computer, or try again later.
It is already after 14:00 on the day before my flight departure.Why can i still not check in?

This may be cause by one of the following reasons:

CZ has not made its online check-in service available in your departure city;

There has been a temporary change of flight;

An Internet connection issue or other reason;

You may check in at the airport counter or check in later.

Why can’t I log in?
Please check if the Internet connection is working normally. If it is, please check if the login information you entered is correct. You may temporanily be unable to log in due to system maintenance. You can still check in at the airport counter or check in later.
I have reserved a seat and want to check in online. Why can't i check my reservation?
please enter the member account which was used to reserve the ticket to login to the website, or check whether the problem is being caused by an Internet connection issue.
Why am I asked to provide the flight information?
We need to inquire your ticket reservation with the provided information.
How can I cancel my check-in?

  You may enter the processing page for online check-in and cancel your boarding pass and reserved seat.

Can i check in again for the same flight after i have cancelled an online check-in?
Why can't i cancel an online check-in?
If you go through the baggage consignment or it is within 1 hour before the flight's departure, your check-in cannot be canceled online.To cancel,please go to the airport and contact one of our members of staff.
How can i change my reservation after canceling a boarding pass?
You may contact the original ticket issuer to process this or call the CZ website hotline on 4006695539(from within Mainland China)or +8620-22395539(from overseas).This service is available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week .Alternatively,you can call the CZ sales hotline on 95539(from within Mainland China)or+8620-86682000(from overseas).
Does cancellation of a check-in mean cancellation of the ticket booking?
No.Online cancellation of a check-in just cancels the seat and not the flight.
How can i collect my boarding pass after checking in online?
you may print your boarding pass by yourself after checking-in online.
Is the online check-in service available for all CZ flight?
At this stage ,the CZ online check-in service is only applicable to flights departing from some cities and not all flights.P lease refer to our website for more details.
Why can’t I find the flight I want to check in online?

 Online check-in may not be available for your flight.You can go to the airport counter to check in.

Can i use the online check-in service for a baby?

Sorry,online check-in for children and infants is not available at the moment.

Can i cancel a reserved ticket after checking in online?
To cancel reserved ticket,you must first cancel the check-in.
What information is included in the printed boarding pass after online check-in?
The information includes: your name, flight, member card number, certificate number, seat, flight number, flight date etc.