Validity of Sky Pearl Mileage
How can I check the expiration date of my earned miles?
After the validity period has begun, you can inquire by logging in to your personal mileage account on the Sky Pearl Club website, or by calling the China Southern sales service hotline on 95539.In addition, Sky Pearl Club will remind you about impending mileage expiration deadlines when sending you member mileage notifications, mileage statements and other communications, to help you plan the use of your miles.
How can I find out about the new mileage validity rules?
You can refer to the updated Membership Guide, the Sky Pearl Club website, member newsletters or the China Southern Airlines ICON magazine, or call the China Southern Airlines sales service hotline to inquire.
How is the mileage validity period for China Southern Airlines members calculated?
The validity period is 36 months (excluding miles with specific validity periods) starting from the month in which the miles were awarded. Any miles that are not redeemed within the validity period will no longer be valid. The China Southern Airlines Mileage validity regulations were updated in July 2015:
1. Gold/Silver membership miles that are not used will be extended for 12 months; if the miles have still not been used after a further 12 months, the mileage will be extended if the member is still a Gold/Silver card member. Therefore, Gold/Silver membership miles will not expire. However, if a Gold/Silver card member becomes a Base card member, the Base mileage validity policy will be applicable.
2. Base card members can join the "Pearl Mileage Extension Plan" before their miles expire, at a cost of 20% of the total cost of the miles, to extend the validity period by 12 months (the remaining 80% of the miles which are about to expire will be extended for 12 months). However, the mileage cannot be extended again. Expired miles will become invalid if the member does not register for the Mileage Extension Plan before the mileage expiration date.
In the case of mileage refunds for canceled tickets, how is the mileage validity period calculated?
According to the new mileage validity rules, if members apply for a mileage refund:
1.Voluntary refund:the validity period of refunded miles will be the same as the original validity period of the miles that were redeemed towards the ticket, and only valid miles can be refunded.A refund handling fee will be deducted, starting with the miles nearest to expiration.
2.Involuntary refund (e.g. in the case of flight cancelation):refunded miles will be valid for 36 months from the date of refund.
What is the rule for deducting miles during redemption?
Miles with the nearest expiration date are deducted first.For example, in an account containing Miles A and Miles B, where Miles A are valid until March 31 2013 and Miles B are valid until December 31 2013, Miles A will be deducted first followed by Miles B.
What kind of miles have a specially designated validity period?
Free award miles obtained from certain promotions have a specially designated validity period. For details, refer to the published terms and conditions of each promotion.